Infographics Done Right

A picture may be worth a hundred words, but you can’t really put a hundred words on a picture or even an infographic. Every marketing strategy/ social media campaign requires for a business to share their knowledge and expertise, which can best be shown through infographics. Whether static in a graphic or animated through a video, infographics have to be to the point and well worded. Putting together an infographic that displays all of your information without overwhelming your audience can be an entire artform. Let’s take a look at a few things to keep in mind when creating an infographic:  

How do you create a well-balanced graphic without getting too wordy or leaving out information? The first thing is to make sure that your topic is very specific and targeted. Understand the purpose for the infographic and who you are targeting. This will determine what information is absolutely essential for the infographicNarrow down your topic so the information you share can be handled easily by your audience. As with anything, create a catchy title so it grabs the correct audience’s attention 

With a targeted audience and a catchy title, you’ve got the right people looking at your infographic, but how do you keep them there? Whether your purpose is to simply spread awareness or create trust with potential customers, the content needs to be effective, unique and informative. Begin by making a bulleted list of all the information that you have on a topic. Once all the facts are all in front of you, you can visually see how much information is essential for the graphic. Work on rephrasing the content to remove any wordiness, no need for any extra adjectives or fluff. You have only a few seconds to get your point across, you don’t have space to waste it on unnecessary things.  

You may be able to remove some content all together depending on the graphics you choose to accompany it. Some graphics may require graphs, others may require icons and images. Utilize visuals to get your information across to minimize the content. In an infographic, the content and visuals work together to get your point across. Find the balance between the two, it will differ for each graphic, but assess each infographic to create that balance (Express Writers) 

Typography brings words to life. A single word can elicit many different emotions and can entirely change the connotation of a word. Play around with fonts and styles to highlight keywords. This will set your infographics apart from other infographics.  

The last suggestion I would have is to again keep the focus where you want it. The focus isn’t on your branding, it’s on the information you are wanting to share (Express Writers). Have you ever seen an infographic where company xyz is written everywhere? You automatically feel like you are being pressured to buy something and no longer trust the company. Keeping your branding subtle and minimal to keep the focus on the knowledge you are sharing. This will build trust between you and your audience which will in turn bring them to whatever offerings you have.   

Infographics are very heavy with information but don’t have to be overwhelming and boring. Identifying your audience and their interests will help you keep your graphic concise and to the point.  

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