Content Isn’t All About Blogging

Admin Smart-IS
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By Monique Ahmad, Marketing Specialist at Smart IS International  

The first thing that comes to mind when someone says Content Writing is blogs and articles, but content writing is much more than that. Content writing is a large field that is useful for all industries, and each industry allows for an entirely different style of writing. Often as businesses, we limit ourselves in how we put out information to communicate with our customers/ clients. Blogging is a great way to share your values, but there are so many ways to share content, and depending on your industry there may be much better ways.

As content writers, we all have our passions of what we prefer writing, but it is always important to practice various forms of writing to expand your skillset. Not only are there unlimited options for industries (everyone needs some form of content!), there are so many different forms. Here are a few types of content that people often overlook:

  1. Video Scripts: Personally, I think this is the most looked past form of content writing, but a field becoming extremely valuable each day. With video content becoming a huge part of every company marketing plan as well as a general form of communication, video scripting and storyboard should be on every content writer’s resume!


  1. Podcasts: Another area that is becoming more and more popular. It is similar to scriptwriting, without the visual direction. The content is unique as a lot of podcasts are very personal and require a very good understanding of the speaker.


  1. White Papers: Similar to blogging, but white papers require a lot more research and expertise in a particular industry. They are lengthy and focused, which in turn costs much more than blog writing! They can be very effective especially for businesses that offer specialized services, as they offer a very detailed insight into a topic. Like blogs they show your expertise, but in much greater detail.


  1. Social Media Posts: This is worth mentioning because it is so important and should be, if it isn’t already, a part of your marketing strategy. This includes writing social media posts, as well as the content for the accompanying graphics. Social Media content involves understanding each company’s specific audience and speaking directly to what they want at that time. A time-consuming task that if done correctly, can build trust between you and your client!

Every business should spend time exploring their options to share content, adding a unique and creative touch to how you communicate with your audience. This can help you stand out amongst competitors and change how you perceived in the market.

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