Creative Journaling: Get your Ideas Flowing

Everyday artist is expected to create something that will move people to action. But for an artist to stay creative it requires a lot of practice and time. Keeping an art journal can help with practicing your creativity. An artist can use a creative journal to practice their creative ideas, be it silly or serious. Collecting ideas in a journal can also be very liberating since there will be no rules, limits or boundaries to follow. So, you can let your inner artist experiment and explore the techniques or practice that it was afraid to try otherwise. You can let your thought process go as wild as it can. Remember not to let even your own judgment hinder you from playing out your craziest ideas. Here are some things to do to help creatives in keeping a journal:

  • Always Have it on You: Sometimes you get the most brilliant ideas when you are in your leisure moments. Try to keep a creative journal with you all the time to document those ideas. If possible, write or draw an idea whenever or wherever it hits your mind. This way you won’t let it slip away!


  • Make it a Habit: Try to make a habit of working on your journal every day. Sometimes laziness can get the best of us but still try to takeout 15 to 20 minutes from your everyday routine and show some love to your creative journal.


  • Make Mood Boards: Use your journal as a mood board. You can use a journal to get inspiration from the work of other artist and designers. Paste elements, graphics, and images of another artist’s work that you find inspiring. This can be especially helpful if you are stuck on a project.


  • Your Idea Library: The good thing about a creative journal is that you have created a stock of your ideas in one place. So, your journal can serve as a library of ideas for you when you are running low.


  • Practice your Lettering: You can use your creative journal to practice lettering. You may never use these samples or styles, but this will give you a better understanding from a visual standpoint of lines, curves, and typography.


  • Layout your Goals: You can also list down your goals in the journal and this will make them feel more real. Create a visual map for your goals and define how you will achieve them. Then every day while updating your journal, you can monitor your progress. How many goals you have achieved so far and how many are still pending? This will keep you more organized.


  • Create Designs: You can also utilize your journal to practice creating design with constraints like using grid. Creating anything within the limit of constraints helps you refine your designing skill. This practice can help you with logos, web and UI elements.



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