Free Apps for Illustrating and Video/Image Editing

With the introduction of computer devices and software’s like Adobe Suite the life of designers, artists, video editors and marketers took an amazing turn. Now a days we have plenty of software available in the market to cater the needs of designers, illustration artists and videographers. With the increase in mobile user and evolution of mobile phones to smart phones; …

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2021 Graphic Design Trends

The start of a new year always brings exciting new trends for the graphic designer community to indulge into and explore. These new trends allow designers to experiment and challenge their creative side and help them in evolving and polishing their skills.  The dawn of 2021 also brought some exciting new trends to indulge into. Some of the new trends …

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Rules to Move Illustrations from Adobe Illustrator to After Effects

After Effects offers endless possibilities when it comes to 2D animation and motion graphic. If you have just started tapping into the world of After Effects, it can be a little overwhelming but learning the basics of this tool will help you a lot in understanding how After Effects works. It is also important to understand how it works in …

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Journey of Women – Successful Homemakers to Accomplished Digital Marketers

Women of the past were mostly confined to the role of homemakers. They were responsible for domestic responsibilities only; while, men were expected to go out and provide for them. The only skills that women of that era were taught were sewing, weaving, cooking, washing, and cleaning.  Women were denied the right to education, to own property or to be a part of public life. The idea that women should get education started floating about in the late 18th century when men realized that if women are the first …

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Micro-interactions and Their Importance in UX 

Micro-interactions and Their Importance in UX 

Micro interaction can be defined as the interaction between a user and a design. It is the reaction you see on a social media post, a notification that appears on your screen whenever you receive a new email or a message, a Skip Ad button that appears while watching a YouTube video. Even the pull to refresh feature that appears in digital apps falls under micro-interaction.   Structure of Micro-interactions  Micro-interaction consists of four main …

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Things to do to keep the creative juices running

Create an InspirationEvery creative person be it a designer, a filmmaker, an author, or an artist hits a creative block now and then. Sometimes when one gets hit by a creative block it becomes difficult to get out of it and to get your creative juices running again. There are certain tips and tricks that can help get creative people …

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Creative Journaling: Get your Ideas Flowing

Everyday artist is expected to create something that will move people to action. But for an artist to stay creative it requires a lot of practice and time. Keeping an art journal can help with practicing your creativity. An artist can use a creative journal to practice their creative ideas, be it silly or serious. Collecting ideas in a journal …

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