
How’s your #Game?

Influencers have become leaders in digital marketing, and are no longer just ordinary people sharing their experiences on social media. They have shaped culture and the economy. As businesses, we look to influencers to understand how to expand our virtual reach and create content that goes viral. What is it that helps these individuals create businesses out of social media? Are they paying …

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Why SEO Is Important for your Business Growth (2020)

New technologies and trends have grown so much that every day a new trend comes out and makes it difficult to decide what is right for your business. Due to this a question that comes into many minds that whether search engine optimization is important or not in the year 2020? Most, importantly it is hard to explain to those …

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Things to do to keep the creative juices running

By Saba Aftab, Graphic Designer at Smart IS International Every creative person be it a designer, a filmmaker, an author, or an artist hits a creative block now and then. Sometimes when one gets hit by a creative block it becomes difficult to get out of it and to get your creative juices running again. There are certain tips and tricks …

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Emerging Technological Trends During COVID 19

By Adeel Ahmad, Marketing Specialist at Smart IS International Not so long ago, we all were working normally, going to the office, performing daily tasks; while having the opportunity of discussing future prospects in person. Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, governments have had to force companies to shift their business operations from working within the office to working from home. …

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